About Me

Hey, My name is Syed Abdullah Redha . Im 14 years old and I love photography . For those people outside , I bet you're suprised to hear from me that Im still young and doing photography , well , I started this hobby since I was 12 years old . I got my first DSLR which is the Canon EOS 1000D . And now , Im still using the same old camera but my camera bag was packed with 3 basic lenses and a flashlite. The Canon 50mm EF f1/8 has been my favourite until now . Its a good lens and packed with so many features . And to humans out there , live your life no matter what happens . I guess this is the end . Goodbye and talk to you soon ! Sincerely , Syed Abdullah Redha Owner of the blog

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Syed Abdullah Redha
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